So it's like Hamas without the charter - but the same non-negotiable demands and inner demons. And tech without an education in the humanities, science and math without art, literature, music "und leider auch, Theologie".....That's my Faust quote:

Faust Monolog (gekürzt)

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,

Juristerei und Medizin,

Und leider auch Theologie

Durchaus studiert, mit heißem Bemühn.

Da steh' ich nun, ich armer Tor,

Und bin so klug als wie zuvor!

Heiße Magister, heiße Doktor gar,

Und ziehe schon an die zehen Jahr'

Herauf, herab und quer und krumm

Meine Schüler an der Nase herum -­‐

Und sehe, daß wir nichts wissen können!

Das will mir schier das Herz verbrennen.

****** There's more, there's always more:



***** "The point is not to get hung up about it." - Jack Kerouac, On the Road

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Eager to learn if the anarchists' pressure on the po-po to militarize as well as modernize influenced August Vollmer's police reforms, which must have been later. Also, I ate up Toby Ball's novel of a Gotham-like city's vault of files whose "Retrievorator" mechanical computer threatened to corrupt as much as streamline criminal records. That might be just an appetizer compared to this feast.

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Steven, I know you're a successful published author and all, but I just wanted to let you know: I think you write really well, dude! Thank you for what you do.

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Looking forward to reading it.

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