Did you see that David Chalmers just won his 25-year bet with Christof Koch about whether the biological foundations of consciousness would be clear by now? He won a case of wine betting "No."

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Hi Steven, thanks for your marvellous and generous work. Just a brief conversation opener. Might there also be an element in the mix related to a specific change in the confions of change - capability? What I mean is that the capacity to sense and make sense of phenomena depends in part on the learning conditions. Is a story told or lived, is knowledge pushed or pulled? Both, but is it hard or easy to detect and give meaning to emergence? The fusion of play, science, simulation, and fun is not just a question of compatibility or synchronicity, but also of prior learning and indeed the way learning (and not-knowing, discovery, invention, creativity, surprise, improvisation, etc.) are familiar and welcome.

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